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Home Investors events & webinars Bridging borders: Pune and Bangalore meet London's property experts

Successful London property investment meetings:
Pune & Bangalore

An exclusive showcase of London properties, with prices starting at an irresistible 3.4 ₹ crores.

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Bangalore - 11th and 12th may

Pune - 25th and 26th may

Events are now over

All about the event

Our London property investment event was a boon for potential investors and buyers in Pune and Bangalore who were seeking opportunities in the London property market.The personalised meetings provided an opportunity to make informed decisions about real estate investments. Limited appointments were available, ensuring that each attendee received dedicated attention and expert advice. It was a unique opportunity for those who registered to secure their spots and make the most of this exclusive event.

London: Prime pick for Indian investors

Pune and Bangalore both highlighted London as a top investment option for various reasons:

  • London's strong economy makes it a top choice for global investment and a centre for international business and finance.
  • The city offers the top universities in the world for a world-class education. This offers families access to exceptional educational opportunities, making London an ideal place for long-term investment.
  • Experience London's lively culture, fascinating history, and famous attractions.
  • London's status as a major transportation hub provides easy access to Europe and beyond. This connectivity makes it more appealing and convenient for international travel and business.

Highlights of the event

  • At the event, participants had one-on-one sessions with real estate specialists, focusing on the London property market.
  • Every participant had the opportunity to talk about their investment objectives, investigate market possibilities, and get customised advice on potential investments.
  • One major highlight was the launch of the exclusive 10:90 payment plan, making property investments more accessible.
  • The limited appointments made sure that each participant got dedicated time and personal guidance.

Why was the event a big success?

The event's success stemmed from its personalised approach, one-on-one consultations, and providing customised advice based on attendees' investment objectives. The exclusive 10:90 payment plan was a major attraction, offering a unique financial incentive that made investing in the London property market more accessible. The few appointments ensured that each participant received concentrated attention and top-notch guidance from real estate experts. Moreover, the event generated a feeling of importance and immediacy, motivating people to register and attend quickly.

If you also desire to participate in similar events in the future and take the first step of owning a property in London, reach out to us!

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