The unmatched transport links that Ealing enjoys make light of its' 8 mile distance from central London's West End which can be reached in under 20 minutes via the Central line Tube. The area lies due west of London and is connected by a more or less dead straight thoroughfare that has been a vital key to its importance and growth. Ealing was in past times an important way-station in the movement of goods in and out of the capital was also an attractive proposition to aristocrats seeking an alternative to urban crime and grime. These two factors enabled Ealing to grow into a prosperous town. This mindset continues to the present day, with Ealing being recognised as being the 'greenest' borough in Greater London.
Modern transport links have not changed the district's basic look. The streets are still wide and tree-lined, reflecting their proximity to the magnificent Ealing Common and large child-friendly gardens.
In fact, Alec Guinness and Peter Sellers. These films make good use of Ealing's tranquil streets and graceful homes, giving the impression of a society at ease with the World and itself.
The term "village-like" has almost become a property cliche, usually meaning little more than the absence of a supermarket chain coupled with a few extra trees. However, there are areas around the common where the term really does apply. Pavement cafes and quirky fashion outlets are popular hangouts for young professionals and drama students alike and the neo-gothic backdrop of Ealing town hall provides there are areas around the common where the term really does apply. Pavement cafes and quirky fashion outlets are popular hangouts for young professionals and drama students alike with the neo-gothic backdrop of Ealing town hall providing a reassuring link with the past.
Train and Tube connections are first class. Ealing Broadway station serves as both a western terminus of the Central and District lines and a major stop for over-ground trains bound for the Cotswolds and beyond. Heathrow Airport can be reached in 15 minutes via the Heathrow Connect train, as can Paddington station. Motorists heading for Wales and the West Country can access the M4 motorway within a matter of minutes.